          對台灣腐敗的司法公正的公開信(國際學者的請願連署) ■雲程譯 【Comment】 11月4日國際學者發起的連署聲明,現在已經開放到網路上讓大家連署,已經看到有義大利、紐西蘭、 table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}波蘭、法國、聯合王國、澳洲、阿爾及利亞、丹麥的人支持。 對台灣腐敗的司法公正的公開信(國際學者的請願連署) ■雲程譯 以下連署的美國、歐洲與澳大利亞?新成屋瑣抳P作者,相望表達他們對於台灣一系列羈押信任與卸任民主進步黨政府官員的深深關切。至今,至少有七位官員有類似遭遇。 很顯然的,台灣是有貪瀆事件,但這些案件兩黨都有,司法體系的政治中立視民主最關鍵的基礎要素。因為是最基礎的,因此任何嫌疑人在判刑確定前都應視為無罪。 我們同樣相信檢察機關所發動的程序 好房網有重大瑕疵:雖一兩位被正式起訴,但多數人卻未起訴而收押禁見。這是嚴重的違反人身保護令,也違反正當法律程序、正義以及違反法治。 此時,檢察機關顯然的洩漏不利於被告的消息給媒體。媒體據以評論,違反了司法程序的基本標準。這讓外界認為國民黨當局利用司法體系打擊前民進黨政府官員。 此外,在媒體錯誤報導以及洩漏消息時,被收押禁見的人也 商務中心當然無法捍衛自己的清譽。 我們堅定相信,任何犯罪嫌疑必須在公正的法庭內給予公平與公開的審判。透過法治獲致正義,對台灣能否鞏固民主與保障基本人權而言,是非常重要的。 我們不願見到台灣辛苦而得的民主,陷入如此危險境地。台灣儘可驕傲其在1980年代到90年初期過渡到民主。若過去20年的努力將付諸流水,這對台灣及其國際形象是種悲哀與傷害。台灣要向前進,不能?小型辦公室嵹h到實施戒嚴令(1947-1987)時那種不公平與不正義的程序。 Open letter on erosion of justice in Taiwan The undersigned, scholars and writers from the US, Europe and Australia, wish to express their deep concern about the recent series of detentions in Taiwan of present and former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government officials. To date there have 西裝外套been at least seven such cases.It is obvious that there have been cases of corruption in Taiwan, but these have occurred in both political camps. The political neutrality of the judicial system is an essential element in a democracy. It is also essential that any accused are considered innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.We also believe that the procedures followed by t 褐藻醣膠he prosecutor's offices are severely flawed: while one or two of the accused have been formally charged, the majority is being held incommunicado without being charged. This is a severe contravention of the writ of habeas corpus and a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law.In the meantime, the prosecutor's offices evidently leak detrimental information to the press. This kind 襯衫 of "trial by press" is a violation of the basic standards of judicial procedures. It also gives the distinct impression that the Kuomintang (KMT) authorities are using the judicial system to get even with members of the former DPP government.In addition, the people who are being held incommunicado are of course unable to defend themselves against the misreporting and the leaks in the news media.We do firmly believe that any alleged w 買屋網rongdoings must be dealt with in a fair and open manner in an impartial court. Justice through the rule of law is essential to Taiwan's efforts to consolidate democracy and protect fundamental human rights.We do not want to see Taiwan's hard-earned democracy jeopardized in this manner. Taiwan can justifiably be proud of its transition to democracy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It would be sad for Taiwan and detrimental to its internatio 太平洋房屋nal image if the progress which was made during the past 20 years would be erased. Taiwan needs to move forward, not backwards to the unfair and unjust procedures as practiced during the dark days of Martial Law (1947-1987). 連署網頁: .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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